Burnaway microfictions

Limited edition copy of BURNAWAY’s first-ever book, Le Bulletin Savant de l’Institut Historique Fictif d’Atlanta et de ses Alentours, featuring fictional histories and futures of Atlanta by local artists and writers.

New microfictions by Brian Bannon, Rebecca Burns, Scott Daughtridge, Johnny Drago, Matthew D. Hutchinson, Jamie Iredell, Debbie Michaud, Julian Modugno, Harmony Neal, Gina Rickicki, Marki Shalloe, Bill Taft, Thomas Wheatley, and Tom Zarrilli. New illustrations by Julia Berman, Bill Boling, Kyle Brooks, Benjamin Cheaves, Emily Gómez, Ann-Marie Manker, Michi Meko, Georgios Saliaris, and Lydia Walls.”

Buy yours at BurnAway


Published by lydiawalls

Southern artist painting a day at a time.

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